Investment Highlights
Significant Addressable Market
Addressing an underpenetrated fast-growing metal manufacturing market primed for disruption
Disruptive Technology
3D printing technology uniquely positioned to disrupt metal manufacturing and reduce the industry’s environmental footprint
Industrial Scale Production
Completing initial growth phase and ready to enter a new stage of commercial scalability
Experienced Management
Deeply experienced management team with unrivaled industry Experience
Significant Stakeholders
Highly aligned investor base backed by key strategic and government stakeholders
Investor Relations Policy
Norsk Titanium’s overall investor relations objective is to ensure effective and efficient two-way communication with capital markets stakeholders. The investors relations function shall strive for an open dialogue with the public and provide accurate and timely information to form the best possible basis for the valuation of the Norsk Titanium share
Norsk Titanium aims to support well-informed decisions on capital allocation by maintaining the highest level of transparency and communication regarding risks, opportunities and project outlooks. Further, we aim to build trust and awareness in the investor community by ensuring that investor relation activities are conducted in compliance with relevant rules, regulations and recommended practices.
Stock Exchange Releases
Other Relevant News
Reports & Presentations
Company Reports

Investor Presentations
Corporate Governance
Norsk Titanium is not subject to the Norwegian code of practice for corporate governance but will consider implementing the recommendations of the code over time.
We achieve our vision by living our values which means concentrating on being responsible, competent and innovative. Our business conduct, operations and processes will be sustainable and will always reflect trust and the highest level of integrity. Our code of conduct is our main governance document, which aims to build trust and to demonstrate our commitment to being a respected business and societal player.
Investor Contact
Ashar Ashary
Chief Financial Officer
Office: +1 518 324 4010
E-Mail: investor@norsktitanium.com